January 20, 2010

The Benefits of pineapple's extract

Shining white skin is every woman's dream. But do not let you make a mistake by choosing beauty products, if you do not want more problem for your skin. Whitening products on the market today, many of them contain a mixture of merkury that can cause skin cancer.

You better treat facial skin with natural ingredients such as coconut milk and pineapple juice. Besides the material more easily available, also safer for facial skin.


Coconut milk

Pineapple which has been juiced

How to make:

Make sure the coconut milk and pineapple are used is made of natural, rather than fast-food materials are available in supermarkets. Combine and mix together coconut milk and pineapple juice in a container. pour This mask potion on your face thoroughly. Let stand for 20 minutes until the extract mixture is dried and absorb to the facial skin. Then rinse the face with clean water and dry with a towel. Perform regular maintenance to make your skin look more white face shining.

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